Planning a make-over for your garden is one of the pleasures of home ownership. Need to be inspired? Here’s a thought: pop by one of our Wednesday Timber and Building Materials auctions. Better yet, go to our Melbourne showroom anytime from Monday to Friday, 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, and browse the lots that will be up for auction on Wednesday. Fowles is not just about carpet and timber flooring, we have hundreds of garden items from barbies to fence pickets.
Find Out What’s in Stock
The best way to start planning your garden makeover is to browse the items that are available. Looking for new patio furniture? There are hundreds of different styles available, and making the right choice can be overwhelming. It’s best to see the furniture right in front of you, take some measurements to see how it will fit with your patio or pool. You can sit in the chairs to find out if they’re comfortable, too.
If you’re a keen gardener, you’ll definitely want to check out the timber and building materials auction, because we often have trellises, edging and frames for climbing plants. Lawn ornaments, patio furniture and barbies are likely to be at our home renovation auction, so that’s worth checking out, as well.
Plan This Summer’s Garden
Once you have seen what’s available, it will be time to start your garden plan. The first step is to take stock of the assets you already have. Perhaps you have a handsome tree—or a rotting deck. Take some measurements and do some thinking; use graph paper or use CAD, if you can. Plan flower plots, fences, gates and decks. Don’t forget to dream a bit when putting your ideas down on paper. If you need some inspiration, the website Home Ideas has a great gallery of backyard gardens.
Once you’ve come up with a design you love, it’s time to decide how you will complete your garden. You might be able to find some of the materials you need at Fowles, and the opportunity to save money is a great reason to take advantage of our weekly auctions.
Fowles Auctions
Our auctions are a boon to people who are looking to get top quality products at a low price. We find that many items at our auctions sell for much less than you would expect; up to 90% less than retail. For a preview of what’s on offer for any given week, our catalogues are uploaded on Tuesdays. Different items are on sale each time, and you really do have to keep your eye on our catalogues to know what’s currently available.
If you’d like to find out more about how our auctions work, visit our frequently asked questions page, or just stop by our showroom at the corner of Princes Highway and Blackburn Road in Clayton. We’ll be happy to show you around and explain how it all works.